How to Clean Rubber Boots

We all have been there – you are out in your rubber boots in muddy or wet conditions, and before you know your boots look like they’ve been through the wringer.

Cleaning your rubber boots can be a bit of a chore. But don’t despair we have a few tips to make it easier for you.

Knowing how to properly clean rubber boots also extends their life. It is also necessary for preventing the build-up of odor-causing bacteria and harmful germs.

This blog post will show you how to clean rubber boots inside and out. We’ll also provide caring and storing tips for rubber boots to keep them looking their best.


  1. Do not use hot water for cleaning rubber boots. Hot water can cause the rubber to warp.
  2. Never scrub rubber boots with a stiff-bristled brush. This can scratch the rubber.
  3. Never use blow dryers, radiators, or other heat sources to dry your boots. The heat will cause the rubber to crack.

Cleaning the Outside of Rubber Boots

Illustration showing seven steps on how to clean outside of rubber boots

Material Required

  1. Warm water
  2. Dish soap
  3. A toothbrush
  4. A damp cloth
  5. A cloth


  1. Rinse the rubber boots with tap water to remove the wet dirt and mud from the surface.
  2. If the mud on the boots has dried, chip off the large chunks of mud from the surface. Scrub the boots with a soft-bristled brush to remove the remaining mud. Then, wipe the surface of the boots with a damp cloth to remove the mud sticking on the surface.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of dish soap and two cups (16 oz) of warm water in a bowl. Stir to make a soapy solution.
  4. Dip a cloth into the soapy solution and scrub the surface of the boots. Start scrubbing your boots from the top and moving to the bottom.
  5. After cleaning the upper of the boots, now it’s time to clean the sole. Dip the toothbrush into the soapy solution and scrub the soles of the boots. If the mud or stains are not coming off, add one tablespoon of baking soda to the soapy solution. Clean the soles with the solution.
  6. Rinse the rubber boots with normal water. You can rinse them with a hose or under the tap.
  7. After the boots are clean, wipe them with a dry cloth. Leave the rubber boots in a well-ventilated area to dry. Keep the boots away from heat resources like fireplaces, radiators, or direct sunlight.

How to Get Scuff Marks Off Rubber Boots

Rubber boots can become scuffed over time. However, removing the scuff marks from rubber boots is an easy process. You can clean the lighter scuff marks using a gummy eraser. For tougher scuff marks, you can use olive oil or white toothpaste. Read on to know the detailed process.

Gummy Eraser

Illustration showing three steps on how to get scuff marks off rubber boots using gummy eraser
  1. Gently rub the eraser over the scuff mark.
  2. Brush off the eraser residue with a soft-bristled brush.
  3. If the scuff mark is still there, repeat the process.

Olive Oil

Illustration showing two steps on how to get scuff marks off rubber boots using olive oil
  1. Apply a small amount of olive oil to a cotton cloth.
  2. Rub the scuffed surface in circular motions with the cloth.

White Toothpaste

Illustration showing three steps on how to get scuff marks off rubber boots using white toothpaste.
  1. Apply a pea-sized amount of non-gel white toothpaste to the scuffed area.
  2. Rub the scuff mark with the finger or an old toothbrush.
  3. After rubbing the scuff mark, wipe the toothpaste with a damp cloth. You can also rinse the area with water to remove the toothpaste residue.

How to Clean the Insides

Illustration showing eight steps on how to clean the insides of rubber boots

Cleaning rubber boots from the inside is very essential. If you wear the boots in rainy weather, the rainwater and mud can seep inside the boot. This can lead to bacterial development in the boots. This can further lead to a foul odor and bacterial infections.

The following method will help clean, deodorize, and disinfect the rubber boots’ interior.

Materials Required

  1. A heavy-duty laundry detergent
  2. Warm water
  3. A cloth
  4. White vinegar
  5. Spray bottle


  1. If the mud and rainwater have seeped into the boots, pour the rainwater out of the boots.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent and two cups (16 oz) of warm water in a bowl. Stir well to create a cleaning solution.
  3. Soak the cloth in the cleaning solution and rub the interior of the boots. Make sure to wipe the entire interior of the boots with that cloth.
  4. Soak another clean cloth in warm water. Wipe off the soap from the boots. You can also rinse the inside of the boots with water to eliminate all the soapy residue.
  5. Wipe the interior of the boots with a clean and dry cloth to dry them. Let the boots air dry.
  6. Pour one cup (4 oz) of white vinegar and one cup of plain water (4 oz) into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to mix the solution.
  7. Spray the solution inside the boots. White vinegar has antibacterial and deodorizing properties. Therefore, it will kill the bacteria and eliminate the foul odor from the boots.
  8. Leave the boots to air dry in a well-ventilated area.

How to Clean Blooming Rubber Boots

Illustration showing six steps on how to clean blooming rubber boots

The rubber boots develop a white substance on their surface in humid or hot weather. This white substance is called blooming. The rising of compounds to the surface is what causes these white marks. Blooming will not damage the boots but can make them look dull and unattractive. You can remove the blooming from the boots with olive oil or boot buffer.

  1. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda and one cup (4 oz) of water in a bowl. Six to make a cleaning solution.
  2. Dip a rag in the cleaning solution and scrub the boots.
  3. Wipe off the solution with a damp cloth. Make sure to remove all the baking soda residue from the boots.
  4. Once the boots are clean, apply a small amount of olive oil to a clean cloth. You can also use boot buffer if you don’t have olive oil.
  5. Gently rub the cloth over the rubber boots in circular motions. Do not wipe the sole of the rubber boots as this will make them slippery.
  6. Wipe off the excess olive oil with another clean and dry cloth.

Check out the video tutorial: 

Protecting and Shining the Rubber Boots

Illustration showing three steps on how to protect and shine the rubber boots

Once you have cleaned the rubber boots, it is essential to protect and shine them. You can use an automotive tire protectant or rubber boot buffer to chine and protect your rubber boots. This will help in maintaining the rubber boots and making them last longer.

  1. Apply a small amount of boot buffer or automotive tire protectant to a clean cloth.
  2. Rub the cloth in a circular motion over the boots’ surface. Work the buffer into the boots until you achieve the desired shine.
  3. Finally, allow your boots to air dry completely before storing them.

Apply the automotive tire protectant every six months to keep the rubber boots in pristine condition.

Caring and Storing Tips

Proper care and storage are essential to extend the life of rubber boots. The following tips will help in rubber boot maintenance.

  1. Wipe the boots with a damp cloth after every use. This will prevent dirt and mud from build-up.
  2. Clean the boots after wearing them in the rain.
  3. Let the rubber boots dry after each wear.
  4. Do not store the boots near heat resources or direct sunlight. This can cause them to fade and crack. Keep your boots in a cool and dry place. 
  5. Do not store rubber boots while they are still damp. This will cause the boots to develop molds and fungus. Store the boots in a well-ventilated area.
  6. Never clean the boots with harsh chemicals like chlorine bleach. The harsh chemicals can harm the outer layer of your boots.
  7. Keep boots upright, do not fold them while storing. This will prevent creases and cracks from forming. You can stuff them with rolled-up towels or crumpled newspaper to keep them upright.
  8. Use a rubber conditioner to keep the boots supple.


How to protect rubber boots from sunlight?

Spray the rubber boots with a silicone spray. The silicon spray is an effective lubricant. It will prevent the drying and cracking of rubber in the sun.

How often should you clean your rubber rain boots?

If you live in a rainy climate, you should clean your rubber boots weekly. However, it is necessary to clean the rain boots after every wear. The rainwater and mud can seep into the boots while you wear them in the rain. This can lead to the development of bacteria and foul odor.

How do you store rubber boots, so they don’t crack?

It is essential to keep rubber boots in a cool and dry place to prevent cracking.

Store your boots at room temperature. Do not store them in the garage, basement, or near a fireplace or radiator. The changing temperatures can cause the rubber to shrink and grow. This could cause cracking in the rubber.


That’s it! You now know how to clean rubber boots and protect them from damage. Remember to clean the rubber boots from the inside to prevent foul odors. Also, follow the caring and storing tips to extend the life of rubber boots.

Do you have any tips on rubber boot care? Let us know in the comments section below.

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