How To Disinfect Shoes After Plantar Wart

If you’ve ever had plantar warts, you know how annoying they can be. Not only do they hurt, but they’re also pretty unsightly.

One of the best ways to prevent the recurrence of plantar warts is to disinfect your shoes. 

But, what is a plantar wart?

Plantar warts are small, rough growths that usually appear on the heels or balls of your feet.

Plantar warts are caused by a virus called HPV (Human Papillomavirus). This plantar wart virus enters through tiny cuts or breaks on the bottom of the feet. HPV thrives in wet, damp, dark, and warm environments. Your shoes can provide the perfect environment for this virus to grow, especially if you have sweaty feet.

This is why it’s important to disinfect your shoes if you’ve had a plantar wart. In this blog post, we’ll share six methods on how to disinfect shoes after a plantar wart.

Method 1: Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizers

Illustration showing three steps of using Ultraviolet shoe sanitizer

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a great way to kill bacteria and viruses. There are many UV shoe sanitizers on the market that can help disinfect your shoes after a plantar wart.

To use a UV shoe sanitizer, place the device inside your shoes and turn it on. The UV light will kill any HPV present inside your shoes.

This method is great because it’s quick and easy. However, it’s important to note that UV light can damage your shoes if used too often. We recommend using a UV shoe sanitizer once every two weeks.

Method 2: Disinfectant Sprays

Illustration showing two steps on using disinfectant spray for disinfecting shoes after plantar wart

Disinfectant sprays are another great way to disinfect your shoes after plantar warts.

To use a disinfectant spray, simply spray the inside of your shoes and allow them to air dry. 

You can find disinfectant sprays at most stores. Be sure to read the label carefully to ensure it’s effective against HPV. You should periodically spray shoes with disinfectants such as Lysol shoe sanitizer.

Method 3: Disinfecting Wipes

Illustration showing two steps on using disinfecting wipes to disinfect shoes after plantar wart

Shoe disinfecting wipes are a convenient way to disinfect your shoes on the go.

To use a shoe disinfecting wipe, simply wipe the inside of your shoes with the wipe.

Disinfecting wipes are a great option if you’re traveling and can’t carry a spray bottle.

Method 4: Vinegar

Illustration showing three steps on how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart by using vinegar

Vinegar is a great natural disinfectant. It can be easily found in most homes and is just inexpensive.

To use vinegar to disinfect your shoes, simply soak a cloth in vinegar and wipe the inside of your shoes. You can also add vinegar with water to a spray bottle and spritz the inside of your shoes.

Allow the vinegar to air dry before wearing your shoes. This is one of the best home remedies to disinfect shoes after plantar warts.

Method 5: Tea Tree Oil

Illustration showing two steps on how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart by using tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is another great natural disinfectant. It’s known for its antimicrobial properties and can be easily found in most homes.

To use tea tree oil, add warm water and tea tree oil to a spray bottle and spray the inside of your shoes.

Allow the tea tree oil to air dry before wearing your shoes.

Method 5: Lysol Laundry Sanitizer & Baking Soda

Illustration showing four steps on how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart  using lysol laundry sanitizer and baking soda.

Add a little amount of Baking soda and Lysol laundry sanitizer to water, in a bucket. Dip the shoes into the cleaning solution and wash them thoroughly. Rinse them with clean water and allow them to air dry.

Lysol laundry sanitizer will help disinfect your shoes. Whereas baking soda will help remove odor from your shoes after plantar wart.

Method 6: Sunlight

Did you know that sunlight can help disinfect your shoes?

Simply place your shoes in direct sunlight for a few hours. The sun’s UV rays will help kill HPV or any other bacteria inside your shoes.

This is a great natural way to disinfect your shoes after plantar warts.


When using any of these methods, it’s important to remember that you’ll need to disinfect your shoes regularly. This is because the plantar wart virus can live on surfaces for up to six months.

If you have plantar warts, practice good hygiene and disinfect your shoes often. Wear clean socks, and change your socks daily. This will help to prevent the spread of the virus and the infection.


Do I have to throw away shoes after getting a wart?

No, you don’t have to throw away your shoes after getting a wart. You can disinfect them using shoe disinfecting methods, like UV light, vinegar, baking soda, etc.

Can I get a plantar wart from someone else’s shoes?

Yes, you can get a plantar wart from someone else’s shoes if they are infected with the virus.

This is why it’s important to disinfect your shoes after contacting a plantar wart.


Disinfecting your shoes is a crucial part of the healing process. If you’ve been dealing with plantar warts, hopefully, you’re on your way to getting rid of them for good. Seek a proper medical treatment to cure plantar warts.

Make sure to disinfect your shoes after each use so that you don’t reinfect yourself or someone else.

We hope these methods have helped and that you are now one step closer to being wart-free.

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