What Does Reps Mean in Shoes

If you’re wondering what does reps mean in shoes, you’re not alone. A lot of people don’t know what this term means.

So, what do reps in shoes stand for?

In short, “reps” is an abbreviation that means “Replicas.” So, when you see shoes labeled as “reps,” they’re basically replica shoes. Replica shoes are not authentic, but they are made to look like the real thing.

But before you go out and buy a pair of replica shoes, you should know a few things. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about replica shoes. We will also explain the various grade levels of replica shoes so that you can make an informed decision.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.

What is Reps in Shoes? 

Replicas of Nike shoes with wrong logo.
Nike Sneaker Reps

As we mentioned earlier, “reps” is an abbreviation that means replicas.

Replica shoes are cheaper, knock-off versions of popular shoe brands. For example, you might find replicas of shoes from Nike, Adidas, or even Gucci.

These shoes are not authentic; they’re imitations that are made to look like original shoes. In most cases, replica shoes are made with cheaper materials and lower quality craftsmanship. As a result, they don’t usually last long.

That being said, some replica shoes are made with high-quality materials. These shoes usually cost more than the average replica shoe, but they’re still cheaper than the authentic version. High-quality replica shoes are hard to come by, but they’re out there.

There are a lot of reasons why people buy replica shoes. For some, it’s because they can’t afford the real thing. For others, it’s because they like the style of the replica better than the authentic version. Whatever the reason may be, there’s no doubt that reps shoes have become a popular choice.

What Does Rep Jordans Mean?

“Rep Jordans” is a term used to describe replica Air Jordan shoes.

These shoes are designed to resemble authentic Jordan shoes. However, they are not made by the Jordan brand themselves but by unauthorized manufacturers. These manufacturers use lower-quality materials and manufacturing techniques. As a result, Rep Jordans are not as durable as the original footwear.

Similar to these are “Black Cat Reps,” which are replicas of Jordan 4 Black Cat.

Does StockX Sell Reps Shoes? 

No, StockX does not sell reps shoes.

StockX has a multi-step verification process to ensure that all products are authentic. So, when you buy from StockX, you can be sure you’re getting the real thing, not a replica. 

Grade Levels in Replica Shoes

When it comes to reps shoes, there are different “grade levels.” Grade levels refer to the quality of the replica.

There are five primary grade levels: AAA, SP, SMP, 1:1, and UA. 


Grade AAA is the lowest and worst quality you can find. These shoes are made with the cheapest materials and poor craftsmanship. They’re often referred to as “super fakes.”

Grade AAA reps shoes have a lot of flaws. They’re not even close to being a replica of the authentic version. In most cases, you can see these shoes are fake just by looking at them. In fact, some of them don’t even come with shoelaces or insoles.

When it comes to comfort, grade AAA shoes are terrible. They’re often stiff, uncomfortable, and even painful to wear.

AAA grade shoes usually don’t even last a month if worn regularly.

As you can probably tell, we don’t recommend buying grade AAA shoes. They’re not worth your money.

Super Perfect (SP)

Super perfect (SP) shoes are a step up from grade AAA. But they’re still not great. SP is again a low-quality replica.

SP shoes are made with slightly better materials than AAAs. However, SP shoes are still not up to par. In terms of craftsmanship, SP shoes are a little bit better than grade AAA. You can spot many flaws when you inspect SP grade reps shoes.

SP grade replicas are more comfortable when compared to grade AAA. These shoes may last up to 2 months, depending on how often you wear them.

We do not recommend buying SP grade shoes either. However, if you have an extremely tight budget, you may consider buying them.

Super Max Perfect (SMP)

Super Max Perfect (SMP) is a mid-grade quality replica shoe. These shoes are a big improvement from SP and AAA replicas.

SMP grade reps shoes are made with decent materials and good craftsmanship. They still have flaws, but the flaws are less noticeable.

SMP shoes are more comfortable than SP and AAA. They may last up to eight months of regular use.

You can purchase SMP grade shoes if you’re on a budget.

1:1 (One-to-One)

Next, we have 1:1 replicas. As the name suggests, these shoes are almost identical to the real thing.

1:1 replicas use the same materials as the real thing. In terms of comfort, they’re identical to authentic shoes.

These shoes have no major flaws. However, if you take an extra close look, you might be able to spot some minor flaws. Some of these flaws are intentionally put there by the manufacturers to prevent lawsuits from the original company. 

1:1 replicas last long as they are made using high-quality materials and the best construction techniques. 

Of course, buying a pair of 1:1 replicas will cost you much more than the other grades. But they’re worth it if you have the money to spend.

Unauthorized Authentic (UA)

Unauthorized Authentic (UA) is the highest quality you can find in replica shoes. UA shoes are an exact version of authentic shoes.

These shoes are made in the same factories as the original shoes using the same materials and craftsmanship. The only difference is that UA shoes are not authorized by the original company to be sold in the market.

As UA shoes are not authorized by the brand, they fall under the category of “Reps Shoes.”

There are many reasons why a brand may not authorize a shoe. It could be because the shoe failed QC (quality check). Another possibility is that the shoe was overproduced by the brand and is no longer in demand.

In terms of quality, UA shoes are the same as authentic shoes. The materials, comfort, and construction are all top-notch.

UA shoes may have minor flaws like the color is off from a few spots or the stitching is not perfect. But these are minor details that only experts can spot.

UA shoes will last a long time if you take care of them. With proper care, they can easily last over a year.

We recommend buying UA-graded shoes. If you wear UA shoes, no one can tell they are replicas unless they are a shoe specialist or they closely examine them.

How do You Know if Your Shoes are Reps? 

Now that you know the different grades of replica shoes, you’re probably wondering how to spot a pair of reps.

Here are a few tips on how to spot reps shoes –

The first thing you should do is take a close look at the logo. You can find the shoe logo on the shoe’s tongue, insole, or back.

In most cases, fake shoes will have a different or misspelled logo.

For example, fake Adidas sneakers misspell the word “Adidas” as “Addidas” or lack one of the three stripes. Fake Nike shoes often have a Swoosh that’s too small or placed in the wrong spot.

If you are not sure about the logo, you can always Google it and compare.

Inspect the Quality of the Materials

Next, you should look closely at the materials used to make the shoes. In most cases, reps shoes are made using cheap materials.

To check the quality of material, touch and feel the shoes with your hands. Cheap materials feel flimsy and look fake. For example, fake leather often feels stiff and plastic-like. It also looks shiny and has an unnatural color.

Look at the Construction of the Shoes

Closely examine the stitching and overall construction of the shoe. If the stitches are crooked or coming undone, you’re likely looking at a pair of fake shoes.

Look for Information on the Shoe Box and Packaging

When you buy a new pair of shoes, they will come in a shoe box with some packaging. If they don’t have a shoe box or any packaging, that’s a red flag.

Also, most brands have the following information printed or stamped on the shoe box and packaging –

  • The model name or number of the shoe
  • Place of manufacture
  • SKU code
  • The size of the shoe (for example- shoe width letters)
  • Some barcode

If you can’t find this information, you’re likely looking at a pair of fake shoes.

Check the Inside Tag

Authentic shoes have an inside tag that has information about the shoe. This tag is usually located on the tongue of the shoe or near the ankle area.

This tag should have information such as the brand name, model name or number, place of manufacture, and size. Also, you can match this information with the information on the shoe box and packaging.

If you can’t find an inside tag or the information doesn’t match, you’re likely looking at a pair of reps shoes.

Smell the Shoe

This might sound weird, but you can actually tell if a shoe is fake by smelling it.

In most cases, reps shoes have a chemical and toxic smell. This is because they’re made using cheap materials that contain harmful chemicals.

Even though this method of identifying fake shoes is not 100% accurate, it’s still a quick way to spot them.

Check the Price

One of the easiest and obvious ways to spot a pair of fake shoes is by looking at the price.

In most cases, reps shoes are sold at a significantly lower price than the original shoes. So, if you see a pair of branded shoes being sold at a very low price, there’s a good chance that they’re fake.

Check the Source

Look at the source of where you’re buying the shoes. If you’re buying them from an unknown website or a shady-looking store, there’s a good chance that they’re selling fake shoes.

It’s always best to buy shoes from authorized retailers or official websites. That way, you can be sure you’re getting the real deal.

Look at the Receipt or Proof of Purchase

When you buy a new pair of shoes, check the receipt or proof of purchase. In most cases, the retailer will write down important information about the shoes on the receipt. This information includes the model name or number, size, color, and shoe price.

Check for any misspellings or mistakes in the receipt. If you see any, you will likely purchase a pair of fake shoes.

If the store doesn’t give you a receipt, be very careful. There’s a high chance that they’re selling fake shoes.

So, these are some of the ways that you can spot fake shoes. Next time you’re out shopping for shoes, keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be able to avoid getting scammed.

Final Thought – Are Replicas Worth it?

To be honest, the answer depends on what you’re looking for and what your expectations are.

If you’re looking for shoes that look and feel exactly like the real thing, replicas are not for you. You’re better off spending the extra money and buying the real thing.

However, if you want shoes that look similar to the real thing but don’t mind if they’re not perfect, replicas might be worth it. Just be aware that you will sacrifice quality and durability.

Also, replicas might not be as comfortable as the original shoes. The size can often be inconsistent in replicas; for example, shoe widths might not align with standard measurements, leading to potential fit issues.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide whether or not replicas are worth it. Just keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for.

If you have the budget to buy the real thing, we recommend that you do. But replicas might be a decent alternative for you if you’re on a tight budget.

Websites such as Crewkicks offer replicas of high-end shoes. For example, you can get expensive shoe replicas like cheap reps Jordan 4. They will not be of great quality, but they will be good quality compared to the price.

We hope you found this post helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Whether you want to buy replicas or avoid them – our guide on fake shoe terminology has you covered. Check out the guide here.

Until next time, happy shopping! 🙂

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